Sunday, June 28, 2015


It has been a little over four months since my great cousin Dottie passed away. She was a wonderful person and she was always putting a smile on everyone's  face even if they lived over 2,000 miles away.

Occasionally I pull out my deck of tarot cards and I would ask for answers. so I asked if the memorial service that was today was going to be alright and I got the eight of swords reversed. Looking at this card it just screamed "departure". I thought maybe this was a sign that she was finally moving on and going to arrive at the gates of heaven. But, something weird happened while I was reading the card. when I pulled the card I heard cousin Dottie's laugh in the other room. I could have sworn she was in my house and so I got up and no one was there. It was so strange. 
(Looking at this photo I can hear her laughing and the jazz music playing in the background)

I had gotten the goosebumps when this happened. I have never experienced anything like that but multiple times I have felt someone touch my shoulder and when I turn around no one is there. After the whole card thing I decided maybe I was just tired. So, before I went to bed I prayed and I asked if cousin Dottie could please verify that she was going to be at the service. Surprisingly enough, She did. I woke up feeling like it was going to be a good day. when we got to the service, there where so may people that she knew and loved. Listening to all the great stories of how she grew up with these people and how some of her family went to visit her over in California and went to the beach with Dottie when they where younger. It was truly amazing listening to how one single lady knew all of these people and had a story about everything person she knew. While we where letting go the balloons for her today at the service I took a short video of the balloons floating off into the distance. During the video, the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" sang by Judy Garland in the classic film The Wizard of Oz was playing in the background. Later last night I watched the video over and over for signs that cousin Dottie was there with us. While playing it over and over I realized that there was a rainbow in the sky that we didn't see at the service. but I kept watching to maybe see another sign and yet another rainbow showed up. I believe that was her verification that she was there with us. Cousin Dottie, you where a great person and I hope you are enjoying yourself up in heaven. <3
(Here are the balloons floating away)

(If you look closely you can see one of the two rainbows at the top of the photo)

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