Sunday, October 25, 2015

Listen to The Doctors' Words

I was sent home from school this past Monday because the school nurse thought that I had a corneal abrasion. Which basically means that my eye was scratched and that I have to see a doctor immediately. So once my mom got home from work, we made our way to the new urgent care over in Leominster. The people there were so nice and I even dropped my keys in the waiting room and the lady at the front desk returned them at the end of the visit.

They had me do an eye test to make sure I wasn’t basically blind out of one eye. There was a lady who I thought was just being rude and walking in front of me while in the middle of the test, then realized. So to make me laugh, she started dancing every time she walked by and all that I could think of was Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” which is a very upbeat, groovy song. The lady who was helping me said that the doctor would be attending in about 5 minutes. Literally a minute later, the lady who was dancing walked in and introduced herself. They were very speedy at the new location!

She asked me about my eye, so I told her everything I could. She put these eye drops in my eye and then turned out the lights, this is the first time I have ever had a visit where they miscellaneously shut out the lights. She turns on this black lamp and looks into my eyes, I could see my reflection in the mirror and my eye was neon yellow. She was doing this to see if there were any scratches in my eye.  I thought this was really cool because my eye was glow in the dark! Turns out I had conjunctivitis. BLEHH!

Currently, my eyes are both recovering from the torture of eye medicine and constant rubbing. But, they are healing and feel a hell of a lot better than when they both become infected. The two things I have to complain about is the itch and the redness of my eyes. The itch bothers me because I know I shouldn’t itch and or rub because it will only get worst. The redness, oh how I loathe the color of my eyes right now! I kept getting questions from other students like “are you high?” or comments like “DUDE, you’re so stoned right now!” which I find completely disrespectful.

I keep repeating myself to people saying “why didn’t I just fall down a flight of stairs and break an arm or something?” I have to admit, this is one of the worst things that have ever happened to me. But, people keep telling me “the infection will heal if you just listen to the doctors’ words.” I bet I would hate my life if I fell down a flight of stairs, considering my eyes are almost completely healed. It took about 6 days, but that is so much faster than waiting for a bone to heal.

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